We thought we’d hit ‘Peak AI’ in 2024, but that was just the base camp of what’s possible. AI remains the gift that keeps on giving. Its breakthroughs are reshaping everything from programmatic advertising to voice-led campaigns. As we kickstart 2025, marketers across Australia are again looking to harness these new AI capabilities to stay

In this episode of The MadTech Podcast, ExchangeWire’s Anne-Marie Sheedy and Rachel Smith are joined by Madelin Farrington, head of client solutions at Kinesso to discuss the latest in the ad tech landscape.  They take a look at Netflix’s new ad server, Google’s latest AI enhancements to its search engine, and Singaporean writers’ decision to

Privacy-centric advertising practices

April 22, 2024 | Share this article

Since the beginning of this year, Google has limited third-party cookies for its Chrome web browser users, marking a first step towards eventually abandoning the files that have raised privacy concerns for some time. The testing period of the deprecation of third-party cookies will continue till the third quarter of this year, by which time

“Augmented Reality is the direction that I think is far more interesting and promising — for technology and, really, for humanity. AR is designed to add, enhance the things you do as a human being: Being outside, socializing with other people, shopping, playing, having fun. AR can make all those things better.” — John Hanke,

AI is transforming how agencies are helping brands build relationships with their customers. We spoke with five agency leaders to find out how AI has helped them deliver better results and greater value for clients. Learn how they got the most out of AI by keeping in step with changing consumer needs, adopting a test-and-learn