Add to Cart – Think outside the cardboard box

October 26, 2020 | Share this article

Camille Gray is a strategist at Initiative. She specialises in retail marketing, specifically e-commerce, focusing on cultural and media trends. She has a regular column, Add to Cart.

It’s a rush like no other.

A jolt of adrenaline surges through your bloodstream. Your heart beats faster, and every task up until this moment fades into nothingness as you re-read those five words on the screen …

Your package has been delivered.

Say what you want about love in the time of COVID, but unwrapping a parcel remains one of the most emotionally charged moments of the day. On the hunt for a dopamine hit, you’re suddenly ripping open that package like some wildcat in a David Attenborough documentary.

With e-commerce up 85% year on year, traditional offline touchpoints are vanishing…except for one. Both retailers and marketers alike need to acknowledge the opportunities that are literally knocking at their consumers’ front door. Here are three strategies to rethink this underused retail ritual:

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